12 Rivett Pl Rivett 2611

Body Balancing Therapies

Massage Therapy

Massage for Mobility and Health

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12 Rivett Pl, Rivett ACT 2611


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Body Balancing Therapies opening hours in Rivett

Body Balancing Therapies opening hours in Rivett

9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 7:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Sun By Appointment
Public Holidays By Appointment
Call to organise an appointment
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Body Balancing Therapies - Promotion

About Body Balancing Therapies

  • Holistic massage treating you as a person
  • Remedial Massage
  • Sports Massage
  • Pregnancy Massage
  • HICAPS Payment option
We treat the cause of your problem, not the symptoms. Each treatment is tailored for you and your needs, we listen and care.
Body Balancing Therapies has been in Business for over 15 years proudly serving the residents of Weston Creek for over 7 years. I have over 10 years experience on the sporting field which as given me the knowledge and experience to help you participate and enjoy whatever activity you are active in be it in the garden, sporting field, hobby or work.

Through massage, we can help you:

  • Keep a healthy lifestyle
  • Manage pain
  • Improve your flexibility
  • Increase your exercise activity
  • Regain sporting performance
  • Increase your overall happiness and sense of wellbeing.

Our Process

  • We closely watch how your body moves
  • We discuss our approach to treating your problem
  • We explain the reasons for taking that approach
  • We discuss the benefits that you will receive from the treatment
  • We assess how your body responds to treatment

We specialise in sports massage, remedial massage, lymphatic drainage, therapeutic and relaxation massages for those dealing with short and long-term muscular related problems.

We modify our future treatments according to your needs.

Payment Methods

66 728 968 094
Also trades as
Body Balancing Therapies

Products and Services

Body Balancing Therapies - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Flexible Hours, Open Late, Open Saturdays


Deep Tissue, Full-body, Improve Sleep, Pregnancy, Reduced Muscle Tension, Rehabilitation, Relaxation, Remedial, Sports, Trigger Point Therapy, Wellbeing


Wellbeing Advice


Chairs, Comcare, Massage Tables, Private Health Funds


Accredited, Australian Owned, Clinic, HICAPS, Home Visits


Aches, Chronic Illness, Chronic Pain, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Frozen Shoulder, Headaches, Injuries, Muscular Disorders, Pain, Sciatica, Scoliosis, Sports Injuries, Strains, Stress, Tension, Whiplash


massage therapy, Pregnancy Massage, Therapeutic Massage, Remedial massage, Canberra, Sports Massage


  • I have a long term condition that affects my life style, can massage help me?

    Massage can help reduce many of the symptoms associated with long term conditions that stop you from participating in activities that may improve your health or well being. By treating the symptoms of long terms conditions it is possible to help you improve the management of your condition through massage possibly reducing pain medication you are taking, improving your mobility or improving your sense of well being.

  • I have a old sporting injury, can you help Me?

    I have over ten years experience with treating sporting injuries and can certainly help releasing muscle and joint tension that is associated with old sporting injuries. It does not matter how long the injury is, massage can help improve mobility and muscle movement.