
Rate and Review

Discovered a hairdresser that gave you a great new look or found a brilliant plumber without the crack? Share your experience with others by writing a review.

Reviewing a business

Search for the business using the search bar, go to the business listing and click “Add review”. You’ll need a True Local account to leave a review, so log in or sign up if you don’t have one.

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Some extra guidance

Reviews must be based on personal experience and must be truthful, objective and helpful. All reviews are moderated to ensure nothing offensive, defamatory or derogatory is published, so please read our Review Guidelines before you start. True Local publishes both positive and negative reviews provided they abide by these guidelines.

True Local Extra Guidance

Our rating system
True Local Ratings and Ticks


We use star ratings. Half a star is the lowest you can award, while five stars are for superb service. To avoid confusion with the internationally recognised hotel star system, True Local uses ticks when rating any type of accommodation. It relies purely on consumer opinion, from people like you who know a great hotel when they sleep in one.

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