True Local

1 BEST local Ophthalmology in Great Southern WA | True Local

1 Results for Ophthalmology Near You

Great Southern Specialist Centre

Doctors-Medical Practitioners, Mira Mar, WA 6330

OPEN until 4:30pm

We Aim To Provide A Single Point Of Referral To Specialist Services


Specialist Resource


Mr Tom Bowles-MBBS Melbourne University 1997

Mr Edward Yeboah-Member, Australia Military Medicine Association

Mr Roshan Ramachandran-Royal Australasian College Of Surgeons


Specialist Resource


Mr Tom Bowles-MBBS Melbourne University 1997

Mr Edward Yeboah-Member, Australia Military Medicine Association

Mr Roshan Ramachandran-Royal Australasian College Of Surgeons

Established in 2018, our vision is to attract, increase and support local and visiting medical specialists and associated services to provide timely access and a high standard of quality care to patients living in our community. Through a combination of face to face, visiting and telehealth services we endeavour to provide country patients with specialist health care as close to home as possible.

True Local

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