360 recruit Executive Search & Business Consultants.
We are a boutique firm that provides professional recruitment services and business consulting services, including accounting services.
We are an executive search recruitment firm specialising in the placement of accounting and finance professionals and support staff, on permanent, part-time or contracting basis.
With 360 recruit consulting services we focus on Business Solutions, through working with organisations to, add value and assist them in becoming more profitable, areas covered include:
- designing and implementing daily cash flows forecasts to assist organisations to take charge of ensuring that they are operating at sustainable levels to generate the cash to ensure the organisations long term viability
- reduction in operating costs
- turnaround strategies for under-performing companies
- streamline reporting and accounting systems
- implement and strengthen risk minimisation strategies
- expand and grow strategically to maximise profit
- select the most advantageous financing facilities mix
- employ the right calibre of staff to perform the various job functions within the organisation
- perform extended, due diligence exercises, with independent input
- prepare reports on the business for owners, bank financing, sales of business etc
- full high end accounting services
We also have 360 recruit CFO, which is a cost effective, outsourced way of having a CFO involved with your organisation, while not, full time on your payroll. CFO recruit CFO operates with the owners / operators of the organisation to provide practical, independent and strategic advice and assistance while the owners / operators get on with the business of the organisation.
The areas 360 recruit CFO can assist, include:
- Business Plans, Projections and Financial Reports
- Cash flow Management
- Preparation of Financial Statements and audit
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