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6 BEST local Pubs in Bolto SA | True Local

6 Results for Pubs Near You

Murray Bridge Hotel

Hotels & Accommodation, Murray Bridge, SA 5253

OPEN 24 hours

Multi Award Winning Bistro & Wine List - Open 7 Days

A family friendly environment

Quality meals

Multi-award winning dining room

Won the Gourmet Traveller Wine List Award - 2010

Tucker Seabrook Winelist Award

Gourmet Traveller Wine List Award

A family friendly environment

Quality meals

Multi-award winning dining room

Won the Gourmet Traveller Wine List Award - 2010

Tucker Seabrook Winelist Award

Gourmet Traveller Wine List Award

The owner, Karen Milesi takes a hands on approach, being involved in every aspect of the day-to-day running of the business. She continues to evolve the hotel into an attractive, sought-after place to eat, drink and socialise, whilst retaining its heritage as Murray Bridge's Last original Hotel,

Tungkillo Hotel

Pubs, Tungkillo, SA 5236

Bridgeport Hotel

Restaurants, Murray Bridge, SA 5253

Swanport Hotel

Restaurants, Murray Bridge, SA 5253

Murray Bridge Motor Inn

Motels, Murray Bridge East, SA 5253
Average rating for
in Bolto and surrounding suburbs

Based on 98 reviews of 78 businesses on this page

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