none Bathurst 2795

MLX Electrical Contracting opening hours in Bathurst

MLX Electrical Contracting opening hours in Bathurst

Mon By Appointment
Tue By Appointment
Wed By Appointment
Thu By Appointment
Fri By Appointment
Sat By Appointment
Sun Not Provided
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96 562 559 253

Products and Services

Hours of Operation

24hr Emergency Service, Flexible Hours, Open 24hrs


Corporate Events, Fund Raisers, Receptions


Breakers, C-Bus, Coaxial Cables, Control Panels, Data Cables, Fibre Optic Cables, Fuse Boxes, Fuses, i-Controls, Mod Taps, Patch Panels, Plugs, Power Points, Remote Controls, Safety Switches, Servo Motors, Telephone Points, Variable Speed Drives, Whitegoods


3 Phase Supply, Cabling, Connections, Data Cabling, Designs, Drafting, Electrical Drawings, Fault Detection, Fibre Optic Terminating, Fire Protection, High Voltage Installation, Inspections, Installations, Low Voltage Work, Maintenance, MATV, Meter Installation, Networking, Overhead Work, Power Distribution, Reconnections, Renovations, Repairs, Rewiring, Servicing, Solar Power, Tagging, Testing, Troubleshooting, Under Floor, Underground Work, Upgrades, Video Security, Wiring

Property Types

Banks, Buildings, Caravan Parks, Factories, Farms, Flats, High Rises, Houses, Medical Centres, Mobile Homes, Offices, Schools, Sheds, Shops, Sports Fields, Swimming Pools


ABB, ActewAGL, AGL, Allen-Bradley, Allwire, Aurora, Austel, Bang & Olufsen, Betts, BICSI, Click Energy, Clipsal, Correct Technologies, Country Energy, Crompton, Dimplex, Dishlex, Dorf, Duralamp, Dynalite, Energex, Energy Australia, Ergon, Fisher & Paykel, General Electric, Hager, Heinemann, HPM, InSinkErator, Integral, Integral Energy, Jackgreen, Koyo, Krone, Lanson, LD, Lennox, Merlin Gerin, Neighborhood Energy, NHP, Origin, Panduit, PDL, Schneider, Simply Energy, Teledata, Telstra


Air Conditioning, Alarms, Boilers, Closed Circuit Television, Computers, Control Systems, Cookers, Cooking Equipment, Coolers, Data Points, Downlights, Dryers, Ducted Systems, Elevated Work Platform, Fans, Fire Alarms, Fittings, Floodlights, Fluorescent Lights, Freezers, Furnaces, Garage Doors, Garden Lighting, Gates, Generators, Hand Tools, Heat Pumps, Heaters, HMP, Hot Plates, Hot Water Heaters, Intercoms, Internet Connections, Kilns, Lamps, LAN, LED Lighting, Lighting, Meter Boxes, Microwaves, Motion Detectors, Motors, Outdoor Lighting, Ovens, Overhead Mains, PABX, Phones, PLCs, Pool Lighting, Portable Units, Power Lines, Power Systems, Power Tools, Pumps, Reconditioned Units, Reverse Cycle Systems, Room Units, Safes, Sensors, Smoke Alarms, Spas, Split Systems, Stoves, Street Lights, Surveillance Systems, Switchboards, Switches, Television Aerials, Televisions, Traffic Lights, UPS, Utilities, Wall Units, WANs, Washing Machines


1hr Service, 24hr Turnaround, After Hours Service, Australian Operated, Australian Owned, By Appointment, Certified, Consultations, Emergency Services, Equal Employment Opportunity, Evaluations, Family Operated, Family Owned, First Aid Trained, Fixed Pricing, Free Consultations, Free Quotes, Government Endorsed, Guaranteed, Insurance Claims, Insured, Licensed, Locally Operated, Locally Owned, Maintenance Contracts, Mobile Service, OH&S, On-Site Services, Owner Operated, Quality Assurance Systems, Quotes, Registered, Same Day Service, Self Service, Service Contracts, Standards Australia, Warranties


Lightning, Power Failures, Storms

Catering To

Augers, Bathrooms, Commercial, Extensions, Industrial, Irrigation, Kitchens, Living Rooms, Patios, Residential, Rural, Strata