5 Arwon Ct Lonsdale 5160

Horizon Automotive

Mechanics & Motor Engineers

Professional Motor Engineers, Mechanics & Repairers

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5 Arwon Ct, Lonsdale SA 5160


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Horizon Automotive opening hours in Lonsdale

Mechanics & Motor Engineers near me

Horizon Automotive opening hours in Lonsdale

8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 5:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Sun Closed
Open Weekdays and Saturday
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  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Horizon Automotive - Promotion

About Horizon Automotive

  • Servicing & repairs
  • Quality workmanship
  • Brake & clutch repairs
  • Transmission servicing
  • Suspension & steering repairs
We provide minor, major & log book services, brake & clutch repairs, suspension & steering repairs.
We provide service & repairs for all makes and models. We have a modern, well-equipped workshop with the latest diagnostic tools. We offer quality workmanship at affordable prices.

Services Include:

  • Minor Service
  • Service & Tune
  • Manufacturers Handbook Servicing
  • Brake & Clutch Repairs
  • Suspension & Steering Repairs
  • Transmission Servicing
  • Vehicle Inspection & Reports

Give us a call on (08) 8384 1881 or send us an email at [email protected]For quality service, advice and installation, Horizon Automotive is the place to go. Horizon Automotive is the ultimate car enthusiast's destination.

Horizon Automotive will provide you the highest quality parts along with the best customer service in the business. We strive to make sure our customers have a pleasant experience while doing business with us. Don't forget to visit and like our Facebook page.

Payment Methods

CashDirect DebitEFTPOSMastercardVisa
67 554 491 302

Products and Services

Horizon Automotive - Promotion

Hours of Operation

Open Monday - Friday, Open Saturdays


Air Conditioning, Air Filters, Batteries, Brakes, Chassis, Clutches, Compressors, Coolants, Cooling Systems, CV Joints, Cylinder Heads, Cylinders, Differentials, Doors, Electrical, Engines, Exhausts, Filters, Fuel Pumps, Fuel Systems, Gearboxes, Lights, New Parts, Oil Filters, Power Steering Fluid, Radiators, Seats, Starter Motors, Steering, Suspensions, Timing Belts, Transmission Fluids, Transmissions, Tyres, Used Parts, Water Pumps, Wheels


Auto Electrical Repairs, Cooling & Heating, Customising, Diagnostics, Electronics, Engine Rebuilding, General Servicing, Inspections, Installations, Log Book Servicing, Performance Engine Builds, Performance Enhancements, Reconditioning, Repairs, Restorations, Testing, Tune-ups


Bendix, Bosch, Century, DBA, Delphi, Fel-Pro, Ford, FPV, Garrett, Holden, HSV, Koni, Monro, Nissan, PBR, Pedders, Permaseal, Subaru


High Performance, Japanese Cars


Accredited, Australian Owned, BSA, By Appointment, Consultations, Family Owned, Independently Operated, Licensed, Locally Owned, On-Site Services, Owner Operated

Catering To

4WDs, All-wheel Drive, Automatics, Classic, Domestic, Front Wheel Drives, Imported, Manual, Passenger Cars, Sports Cars


Parts Car, Spare Part, Car Battery, Motor Parts, Engine Parts, Ford Car Parts, Carports, Junk Yards, Nissan Parts, Car Performance, Motor Spares, Parts, Spare Parts, Cars Parts, Pick A Part, Auto Parts, Aftermarket Performance Parts, Truck Parts, Car Modification, Car Modifications, Rare Spares, Ford Parts, Commodore, Car Accessories, Aftermarket Parts, Car Seat Covers, Cheap Parts, Automotive Parts, Performance Car, Car Parts, Performance Parts, Turbocharger, Parts Of Car, Used Parts, High Performance, Restoration Parts, Automobile Parts, Vehicle Parts, Parts Online, Car Lights, Part, Parts For Cars, Car Restoration, Subaru Parts, Car Batteries, Parts Of A Car, Auto Parts Recycles


  • Do you sell and buy used vehicles?

    Yes, we sell and buy used vehicles.

  • Do you provide new and used parts of vehicles?

    Yes, we provide new and used parts of vehicles.

  • Do you provide cooling systems for vehicles?

    Yes, we provide cooling systems for vehicles.