none Neerabup 6031

Liquid Limestone Pty Ltd

Brick Paving

No Ants, No Weeds, Cool To Walk On

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Neerabup WA 6031


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Liquid Limestone Pty Ltd opening hours in Neerabup

Liquid Limestone Pty Ltd opening hours in Neerabup

9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
9:00am - 5:00pm
Sat Not Provided
Sun Not Provided
On Call 24 hours
Additional Contacts
  1. About Us

  2. Products and Services

  3. FAQs

About Us

Liquid Limestone Pty Ltd - Promotion

About Liquid Limestone Pty Ltd

  • Cool to walk on
  • No more ants
  • No more weeds
  • Quality of our workmanship
  • Best designers and installers
The original and the best - as seen on TV. Call for a free quote on (08) 9306 2091.
At Liquid Limestone, we are focused on providing excellent services with the highest levels of customer satisfaction, we do everything we can to exceed your expectations. With a variety of offerings to choose from, we're sure you'll be happy with look and quality of our workmanship.

Adds Value And Looks Good For Years To Come

Liquid Limestone is an amazing product that will not only add value to your home but also look great for many years to come. We service all Perth Metro area North of the River to Gingin and South of the River to Waroona

Outdoor Renovations

We have joined forces with some of the best designers and installers to be able to offer you a one stop shop. Providing you with the management of your backyard renovation.

We can quote you on turning your yard into an oasis.

  • Swimming Pools
  • Water Features
  • Timber Decking
  • Patios
  • Glass Fencing
  • Reticulation
  • Lawn including fake grass

(No one can tell the difference and it will save water :-)

Exposed Aggregate

Because exposed aggregate can be installed several different ways and each method gives a different finish. Please call for advice on the technique that best suits your application.

Available in a huge range of colours and patterns.

25 099 889 639

Products and Services

Liquid Limestone Pty Ltd - Promotion


pool surrounds, limestone, patios, paths, entertainment areas, liquid limestone, spa surrounds, exposed aggregate, alfresco dining areas, driveways


  • Can you have patterns in Liquid Limestone?

    Yes. We scratch the limestone back to the texture you require then we cut a random pattern into it.

  • OK well how much a square metre would it be?

    Budget prices start at $60.00/sqr mtr inc GST. We also recommend you seal your Limestone with our sealers but let us take a look at the job first. Before & After - You will be amazed at the difference.

  • Does Liquid Limestone look good?

    No, LIQUID LIMESTONE looks GREAT! It's clean, it's classy, it's ideal for alfresco areas. It's strong enough for the four wheel drive and the boat on the driveway.

  • What is Liquid Limestone?

    Liquid Limestone is crushed Limestone mixed with cement and Peter's Secret Herbs and Spices.

  • Is liquid limestone expensive?

    Not for what it is. We lay it at a minimum of 80mm thick. Brick paving is only 50mm so you see a lot of product for you investment.

  • What are the benefits of Liquid Limestone?

    Liquid Limestone has many benefits, it's cool to walk on, it is dust free, and there are no cracks for weeds to grow through or ants to push their way up. No subsidence.

  • Can Liquid Limestone come in different colours?

    Yes! As well as natural limestone colour, you can have soft hues of colour like yellow or terracotta - colours to match the style of your home!

  • What is Liquid Limestone used for?

    Liquid Limestone is used instead of brick paving or grey concrete for Patios, Driveways, Pool areas.

  • Will it crack?

    Like all concrete and poured limestone products you will sometimes get cracking but we have the highest standards of installation so this is kept to a minimum. We cannot guarantee any cracking due to subsidence.